As the founder of Dank Fung Extracts, Daniel Fung of CT constructs stylish vaporizers and feature the latest innovations. To ensure that the latest innovations are always utilized by his company, Daniel Fung of CT must stay aware of the latest news in the industry. One such case came just the other day when the federal Food and Drug Administration gave the Yale School of Medicine permission to run a human drug trial on the effectiveness of marijuana-based medicine.
Daniel Fung of CT explains that Dr. Rajita Sinhata is tasked as the lead investigator for this clinical trial. Dr. Rajita Sinha is a member of Yale University’s School of Medicine. The goal of the study is to show more definitive proof of the results of medical marijuana. Daniel Fung of CT is very excited about this study as he has seen countless people benefit from utilizing the products of his company. Every study is another step towards countrywide legalization. This is critical as medical marijuana can help people with all sorts of ailments. Everything from cancer treatment to anxiety and stress can be treated with the proper medical marijuana products.
The study by Yale Medicine will focus on how medical marijuana works in the system of the human body, who it works for and how much of a dose a person needs to see the benefits of the product. The other factor is examining what symptoms can truly be alleviated and whether different strains of the plant can help more than others. All of these factors have been studied in the past, but Daniel Fung of CT is hopeful that this study only furthers positive public opinion towards marijuana products.
It has been reported that this type of trial is the first of its kind as it utilizes human subjects. Researchers conducting the tests will be utilizing a placebo method. Some tablets will be a medical marijuana oral tablet and others will be a placebo. This test could go a long way towards an FDA-approved medical marijuana product in the United States. Currently, only one plant-based medical marijuana company in the UK has FDA approval. Daniel Fung of CT believes it is only a matter of time until this changes. Anyone in the medical marijuana industry should continually read the headlines as these types of studies could open up a whole new world of business opportunities.